October 2024 Update

After several months of analyzing the current Walton County Comprehensive Plan (“Comp Plan”) and integrating your feedback with the team’s technical recommendations, Marina Khoury of DPZ and Joe Minicozzi of Urban3 recently presented to the County Commission. These virtual presentations provided the Commissioners with an update on the planning team’s recommendations and approach for future […]

Closing Presentation

The Plan for Walton 2040 is a 16-month project to develop a long-range plan for the development, that will guide changes and amendments to your Comprehensive Plan.  During this Closing Presentation to cap off the weeklong Community Workshops, Marina Khoury of DPZ CoDesign shares an explanation of the goals of this plan. She provides a […]

Transportation & Infrastructure

What are the important transportation and infrastructure issues that need to be addressed to ensure a sustainable future for Walton County? Alex Navarro of Jacobs Engineering, along with Paul Crabtree and Aaron Cook of the Crabtree Group, share their insights. This session covered a lot of great information and included robust discussion from community participants. […]

Economics of Land Use – Joe Minicozzi

If citizens are the joint owners of the “corporation” that is Walton County, and policymakers are your Board of Directors, it’s important to understand the financial yield of your most important asset–your land. Joe Minicozzi of Urban 3 presented to citizens on Walton County’s land productivity in this presentation on the Economics of Land Use.  […]

Gridics Zoning Software Now Available for Walton County

If you’re someone who really gets into zoning and land use, or just curious about what the allowable development in your neighborhood could be, we’ve got an exciting tool for you to explore. Thanks to the Walton County Planning Department, we are now able to make the Gridics software available to you during the Plan […]

Opening Presentation

The Plan for Walton 2040 is a 16-month project to develop a long-range plan for the development, that will guide changes and amendments to your Comprehensive Plan. During the Opening Presentation, several members of the consultant team, led by Marina Khoury of DPZ CoDesign, shared an overview of their analysis, recommendations, and key questions to […]

Working Session: Land Use & Zoning

As part of the planning process, the Plan for Walton 2040 consultant team is reviewing Walton County’s zoning and land use categories. In Wednesday’s working session on Land Use and zoning, Marina Khoury of DPZ CoDesign and Max Zabala of Gridics presented what we’ve found so far and how that information is guiding our planning […]

Plan for Walton 2040 Community Engagement Workshops

Locals have known for years that Walton County has it all—rich agricultural lands, untouched forests, serene waters, beautiful white sand beaches, unique historical significance, the highest point in Florida, top-notch schools, and more…

County Commission Update

(March 28, 2024) – Marina Khoury of DPZ CoDesign, Lead Consultant for the Plan for Walton 2040, presented the project scope, timeline, and preliminary existing conditions analysis to the Walton County Commission today. Click here for the presentation.