Plan for Walton 2040
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plan for the future
Walton County will continue to grow and evolve. How do we best shape future growth?
Record growth in Walton County has created tremendous opportunities for jobs and economic development. However, this growth must also must go hand-in-hand with funding essential community services, infrastructure, and public safety.
How can Walton County’s quality of life be preserved, knowing that growth will continue?
The latest from plan for Walton 2040
Have your say
The Plan for Walton 2040 is your chance to guide the future growth, development, and preservation of Walton County.
You can have a voice in:
- What type of development would be acceptable in your community?
- What types of open spaces, recreational uses, or services would you like to see in your neighborhood? In Walton County?
- What building types would be acceptable in your neighborhood, and in Walton County?
- What types of buildings or services are missing your part of Walton County?
- Where would you like to see more development happening in Walton County?
- Whare would you like to see more preservation happening in Walton County?
learn more
Keep up with the Plan for Walton 2040.